Did you know that over half of us walk to improve our mental wellbeing and to feel happier, but over a fifth of us struggle to fit in 20 minutes of walking a day?

We want everyone to experience the #MagicOfWalking, so we're encouraging everyone to fit 20 minutes of walking into their day throughout May to feel the benefits it brings.

Join in this National Walking Month and tell us what makes walking and wheeling magic to you. We’ll share the best entries we receive across our social media platforms, so we can spread the walking bug this May.

Everyone who tells us their #MagicOfWalking story will be entered into a prize draw to win a £300 high street shopping voucher.

We'll also let you know how you can step up with us to help create better streets for your community. 

Prize draw terms and conditions can be found here


Please provide some details so we can share what you think makes walking magic

We may use your story on our social platforms during National Walking Month, but we will only use your first name and location. We will never share your personal details.

Thanks for sharing your details with Living Streets so we can add your name to this campaign action. We’d like to get in touch by email to keep you updated on our news, campaigns and donating. You can opt out at any time and we won’t share your details. We take the security of your data seriously view our full privacy policy here.